Tanagra - The Path To Talmor

Dusk falls across the field
The last shreds of scarlet fade away
Cold mist closes in
And morhold is cloaked in velvet gray
For a moment
The world seems to be at peace
The breeze through the valley
Brings us sweet release

But silence never lingers long in times of war
With open eyes and bated breath
We anticipate the roar
And over the rush of the river of runes
The wise one's return is heralded
By the sound of thundering hooves

We ride at dawn!
Upon mighty steeds, our promise we'll keep!
We've known all along
Our cause is righteous
We'll fight until the last hope is gone

We charge southward
As the day's first glow illuminates the sky
The stillness of the morning
Shattered by our battle cry
On to talmor
For a preemptive attack
Fate hangs in the balance
We'll take the fortress back

But behold, awaiting us
Hidden in the haze, just across the plain
Charging with fury and two thousand swords
Delnen, the traitor thane
One last fight
The earth shakes as forces meet
Might makes right
We'll never admit defeat

We must not let this one chance slip away
I swear on my life
Delnen's treachery will end this very day!
The valley echoes with the din of pain
The river runs red with the blood of the slain

One by one, the dishonored fall
We search for the thane, the cause of it all
The traitor flees, pursued through his ranks
Until his back is pinned upon the river bank
Delnen has one final chance!
Crush the amulet and break his trance!

With the spell broken and nowhere to run
He must face the truth
By the gods, what have I done?
We ride at dawn
Upon mighty steeds, our promise we'll keep
Our passion is strong
Even in the wake of betrayal
We must battle on

You know what you must do
So much is lost because of you
I deserve to die
May the gods be more merciful than I
I let my brethren die
Crushed beneath the hordes of mortulae
Just to save my name

Now I beg of you in all my shame
Take my blade from me
Strike me down, then take your kin and flee
Turn and walk away
Live to fight again another day
Tears will fill your eyes
When you see the world through mine
No! You will not escape this way
You'll live with your guilt for the rest of your days
You can never atone for your crimes
Your punishment shall be to live on and fight on our side

Dusk falls across the field
The last shreds of scarlet fade away
The river rushes on
As the sun sets on another day
We'll rest while we can
Despite our grief, we must advance
With our forces together
We just might have a chance

The quiet mourning on the battlefield
Must be abandoned long before our wounds have healed
For silence never lingers long in times of war
And on the morn, we'll charge ahead
Along the path to talmor
We ride at dawn
Upon mighty steeds, our promise we'll keep
We've known all along
Our cause is righteous
We'll fight until the last hope is gone